
Adding images

Anyone can contribute images to this repository by submitting a pull request at the github repo.

Step 1: adding images to images branch

The following steps should be followed to add an image/imageset to the repository:

  1. Check the images for copyright or license issues before adding images.
  2. Do git checkout images in your local repository folder. Pkg.dir("TestImages") gives the location of the repo.
  3. Add the image locally to the images/ folder on your machine.
  4. If you have metadata, a more common name, a url for the source or an author, you can add them to the images/metadata.toml.
  5. Do git add --all to stage the changes for a commit.
  6. git commit -m "Adds <filename> to the repository from link <link>"
  7. git push <fork> images
  8. Now submit a pull request to the images branch. Once accepted, the image or imageset will be stored at<filename>.

Now that the images are added to the repository, maintainers will then create a tag(not release) v*-artifacts (e.g., v1.5.0-artifacts) for images branch and push it to the repo. After that, github action CI defined in images branch will be triggered, build and release an tarball artifact for this commit.

Step 2: update master branch

The next step is to modify the source files of the TestImages.jl package to make them available for download, i.e., add it to remotefiles list.

  1. Do git checkout master to return to the master branch.
  2. Modify src/TestImages.jl : Add an entry with the filename to the remotefiles dictionary.
  3. Modify Artifacts.toml: updates [images] section with the newly released artifacts.
  4. Do git add --all to add the changed source files.
  5. git commit -m "Adds <filename> to package"
  6. git push <fork> master
  7. Now submit a pull request to the master branch. Once accepted, the image or imageset will be available for download to users of TestImages.jl.

See PR#123 for an example.


Feel free to open issues or pull-requests. If you have any questions, you can ask in Discourse or #image-processing channel in Slack.